Nick LukicCEO

Nick Lukic


Mark SuterExecutive Chairman

Mark Suter

Executive Chairman

Steve ReesCTO + Chief Architect

Steve Rees

CTO + Chief Architect

David FulkersonHead of America Sales

David Fulkerson

Head of America Sales

Nezha Niyassi Head of EMEA Sales

Nezha Niyassi

Head of EMEA Sales

Romain CHead of Hydra Exotics

Romain C

Head of Hydra Exotics

Laura WinklerHead of Account Management + Marketing

Laura Winkler

Head of Account Management + Marketing

Rob WemyssHead of Business Development

Rob Wemyss

Head of Business Development

Op ADeveloper

Op A


Shahid MDeveloper

Shahid M


Kristen NgHead of Asia Sales

Kristen Ng

Head of Asia Sales

Anthony GDeveloper

Anthony G


Ben VGlobal Head of Client Support

Ben V

Global Head of Client Support

Razza ADeveloper

Razza A
